Poetry: Ode to Summer

Poetry: Ode to Summer

Ode to Summer Oh summer How I have longed for your arrival! I’ve spent all those long school days thinking about you, and how much fun we’ll have… getting to stay out longer, playing in the pool, all those good memories we will share. Oh, how I hope...
Poetry: Cold Things are Beautiful

Poetry: Cold Things are Beautiful

Cold Things are Beautiful Cold things are beautiful: Frost on the glass, A cool gentle breeze Yearning to pass. A still winter morning, A fresh mountain stream, Icicles adorning A shed’s rotten beam. Hot things are beautiful: The sun and the sand, A young raging...
Market Days in Spanish 1

Market Days in Spanish 1

Today in Spanish 1 we set up an open air market like what would be found in Honduras and the students practiced their bartering skills in Spanish. Some of the things “sold” were a little...
Poetry: Strength Comes Like a Wave

Poetry: Strength Comes Like a Wave

Strength comes like a wave – Quietly overwhelming Touches you swiftly, Running over you softly Finding something to cling to Sometimes a tsunami – tumbling, shredding with muscles Unbinded Running too fast to overcome Left in the sand, its aloneness Leaves tenuous...

Classes have started as of September 3, 2024, but registration is still OPEN!