Early registration for 2024-2025 is opening soon.

Our goal is to have it ready to share with you by Monday, April 1, 2024, and it will close on April 12, 2024. We will be updating our class information throughout this week, so check back often!


While we will be in the process of building the schedule, this will be your registration. You will not need to do this twice!

Your early/pre-registration will help determine the classes that are offered, and the schedule for the 2024-2025 academic year.

By participating in early/pre-registration, you are committing to taking the classes you indicate interest in, so long as there are enough students registered to meet minimum enrollment requirements for those classes. If there are acceptable alternatives, should those classes not be available, you may let us know in the comments.

Our goal is to publish the fall schedule the week after early registration closes. Those who register early will determine what classes are on the schedule.

Your invoice for registration fees will be sent the week of June 1, 2024, once the schedule has been set. Your registration is confirmed when we receive your payment.

Classes are first come, first serve. If all seats are filled before we receive your payment for the class(es) you are registering for, a wait list will be started.

We will share more details and instructions when we begin Early Registration!

If you would like to make a donation to Achieve Learning Center to help offset the cost of tuition for families who require financial assistance, we are truly grateful for your generosity. Please use the link below to donate through PayPal.

General registration for 2024-2025 is now OPEN!