This year’s theme: The Lord’s unfailing love surrounds us.

Achieve’s entrance doors are NOT the church office doors but the doors on the east end of the building.

On the first day during first hour, moms and younger kids are welcome to join other moms in the study hall/lunch room for coffee and muffins.

We have a first-day-picture photo op for you just inside the main doors. Come snap a pic of your kiddo as a memory of their first day of the ’24-25 school year!

The church’s doors will remain locked during the school days. (With the exception of the first day…) They’ll be open 10 minutes before each class period. Please make sure your student comes on time. A cell phone number will be on the door for cases like coming late for dr. appts.

The gym is open during lunchtime. We’ll use the doors closest to the study hall/lunch room (Called the Garden Rooms).

No cell phones for students during the school day. Exceptions are made within individual classes when phones are needed for the immediate task.

The payment box will be on a small table just inside the main doors. 

More details to come regarding activities at school, snow days and other relevant items.

General registration for 2024-2025 is now OPEN!