A new year of classes at Achieve begins Tuesday, September 3, and we are in need of volunteers for Study Hall.

We are in need of a minimum of 1 supervisor per Study Hall and a lunchtime supervisor, but we would love to have more. In previous years, the supervisor commitment has been for the year. Our hope is that we have enough families who are willing to volunteer that we can have a rotating schedule and/or a long list of on-call volunteers to fill in when a volunteer is unable to make it in for whatever reason – out of town, sickness, emergency, etc.
If we don’t have a supervisor available, we will not be able to offer the study hall and unsupervised students will not be able to remain on campus between classes. The short version of this is that we cannot leave students unattended, so if we don’t have a volunteer, we don’t have Study Hall.

— We currently do not have a Study Hall supervisor for first period —

— We could use several backups for all class periods, and lunch. —

If you are willing to take on a shift for the year, on a rotating basis, or as a backup/on-call supervisor, please let me know ASAP.
Study Hall supervisors are responsible for taking attendance during the period they supervise, and helping to provide a safe and quiet place for students to work on homework or an activity while they wait for their next class. Our past supervisors would often bring a book, crochet project, etc. to work on during their shift.
I can tell you personally that this is also where some of my dearest friendships at Achieve have been made. If you are willing to volunteer this year, please contact me as soon as possible. Thank you.

Deanna Kangas (click for email)

General registration for 2024-2025 is now OPEN!