REMINDER: PTO Meeting Scheduled: Oct 19

Mark your calendars! Our first PTO meeting of the year is scheduled for October 19 at 7:00 pm. We will be sharing more details soon. Until then, if you have questions, please contact Mrs. Zoae Spackman. – Originally posted on Sep 17, 2023 at 8:25 pm RETURN TO...

Things you need to know: Part 2

(a series) How’s everyone doing? Are we all into the routines of a new season? Who has a pumpkin spice candle burning? There are some other things that come with the change in the weather … Some things likes colds, flu, etc., which is where we start our...

Last week to order Achieve shirts!

September 17, 2023 This week is the last week to order t-shirts, hoodies or 1/4 zips. Sign up and pay during Study Hall or lunch. Or email Kristi Andres and send money to Achieve with your kids (they can take it to the Study Hall supervisor).   Additionally, we...

Things you need to know: Part 1

(a series) First, you need to know how excited we are to have your family at Achieve! While we get to see the child(ren) you enrolled on a regular basis, we are equally interested in getting to know your family. We will have a few events throughout the year where...